




这些使用条款(“条款”)描述了使用Landmark Health的规则, LLC(亦称“我们”),” “us,”“我们的,和“公司”)和关联公司(控制公司的实体), 控制的, (或与指定方共同控制)在线和移动网站, 平台, 服务及应用程序(“网上服务”).

我们的在线服务面向的是美国观众. 如果你住在美国以外.S., you may see Content on the 在线 服务 about 产品 or therapies that are not available or authorized in your country.

通过使用我们的在线服务,您同意这些条款和我们的 隐私政策. 我们可随时更改这些条款, 而该等更改将会公布于网上服务, with the date of the last revision listed as the “Effective Date” at the bottom of these Terms. 任何修改将在发布后立即生效. 继续使用“在线服务”即表示您同意对我们的条款进行任何更改.

您使用在线服务的肯定行为, 或者注册会员, constitutes your electronic signature to these Terms and your consent to enter into this agreement electronically. 您可以打印并保留这些条款的副本. 打印, you will need (i) a device (such as a computer or mobile phone) with a web browser and Internet 访问 and (ii) either a printer or storage space on such device.


信息和内容(统称为, 网上服务的“内容”(以下简称“内容”)仅供一般教育资讯之用. 我们不是医疗保健提供者. 我们不向您推荐任何医疗保健服务、供应或治疗. You should call your health care provider if you have questions, at any time, about your health.

The Content may include information regarding therapeutic and generic alternatives for certain prescription drugs and may describe uses for 产品 or therapies that have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.


你有责任保护你的用户名(e.g., the email address and password that you provide when registering for 在线 服务) or other activation codes, 如果他们妥协了, 您同意立即更改您的用户名和密码 现金足球网哪个好.



  • 以本条款未明确允许的任何方式使用我们的在线服务或内容;
  • 复制、修改或从在线服务中获取数据、内容或材料;
  • remove or alter, any copyright or other proprietary rights or notices on the 在线 服务;
  • 歪曲您的身份或提供任何虚假资料;
  • 干扰我们网上服务的运作;
  • 与任何第三方共享或使用任何第三方的密码;
  • 从事商业活动, 有竞争力的, 或者病毒式传播, 或发送未经请求的广告, 或者类似的交流, 包括有害的计算机代码, 病毒, 或恶意软件;
  • 以任何可能的方式使用在线服务, 在我们看来, 干扰任何其他方使用或享受“网上服务”, 破坏我们的网络或服务器, 或使我们或任何第三方面临任何索赔或责任, 或使用软件或其他方式访问, “刮,”“爬,或“蜘蛛”,"网上服务的任何网页或其他服务. 如果您被阻止使用在线服务(包括通过阻止您的IP地址), 您同意不实施任何规避此类屏蔽的措施;
  • Directly or indirectly authorize anyone else to take actions prohibited in this section; or
  • 试图对用于提供在线服务的任何软件进行逆向工程.


  • 您将遵守所有适用的法律法规;
  • 您声明并保证您至少年满13岁, 这, 如果你的年龄在13岁到你所在州的法定成年年龄之间,并且没有获得自由, a parent and/or guardian agrees to these Terms on your behalf; and
  • 我们可以采取任何我们认为适当的措施, 在法律允许的情况下,由我们自行决定, 执行这些条款.


受这些条款约束, 公司授予你个人资格, 非商业性, 不可转让的, 非排他的, 可撤销的, limited license to view the Content on our 在线 服务 for the sole purpose of obtaining information regarding our plans or 产品 and related 服务. 所有权利, title, 以及对网上服务的兴趣, 包括内容, 以及所有的知识产权, 包括所有版权, 商标, 专利, 商业秘密权利将保留给本公司、本公司的许可人和供应商. No ownership interest is 转移red to you or any other entity by virtue of making the Content available on the 在线 服务, 授予您使用在线服务的许可, 或您加入本协议.

我们可以在任何时间以任何理由终止本许可. 如果你违反了这些条款, 您对“在线服务”及其内容的许可立即终止. 在本许可终止时, 您必须停止使用“网上服务”, 包括所有内容, 归还或销毁所有副本, 包括电子副本, 您拥有或控制的内容.

版权侵犯- DMCA通知

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (the “DMCA”) provides recourse for copyright owners who believe that material appearing on the Internet infringes their rights under US copyright 法律. 如果你相信, 真诚地, 我们在线服务上的内容或材料侵犯了您拥有的版权, you (or your agent) may send the 公司 a notice requesting that the material be removed or 访问 to it blocked. Notices and counter-notices with respect to the 在线 服务 should be sent to the applicable address below:

公司 联系信息
Optum 地址:DMCA注册代理

The notice must include the following information: (a) a physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; (b) identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed; (c) identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or the subject of infringing activity; (d) the name, address, 电话号码, and email address of the complaining party; (e) a statement that the complaining party has a good-faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the 法律; and (f) a statement that the information in the notification is accurate and, 以伪证罪处罚, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. 如果你相信 真诚地 that a notice of copyright infringement has been wrongly filed against you, DMCA允许你给我们发反通知. Notices and counter-notices must meet the then-current statutory requirements imposed by the DMCA.


It is our policy not to accept or consider unsolicited ideas or offers to 出售 intellectual property. We ask that you please do not submit any such ideas or offers to us or our employees or 合同ors.

这个政策是为了避免对我们的技术产生误解, 产品, 或者服务看起来类似于提交给公司的文件. 如果您仍然选择向我们提交任何内容, 您同意如下内容, 不论你在意见书中所作的任何陈述:

  • 我们不欠你赔偿;
  • 我方与贵方之间不存在保密义务;
  • 您提交的内容将自动成为我们的财产, 我们可出于任何目的以任何方式使用或重新分发提交的内容;
  • 我们可以自由获取, 开发, and 出售 服务 and 产品 that may be 有竞争力的 to those you offer or suggest; and
  • It is your responsibility to protect your own intellectual property; you should not make a submission to us if you have concerns about intellectual property.

If you are uncertain about the meaning of this policy or the legal ramifications of submitting materials to us, 在提交意见书之前,你应该咨询一下你的律师.


浏览我们的网上服务时, 你可以去其他在线网站的链接, 手机网站, 平台, 服务, 和应用程序(“网络链接”),并离开我们的在线服务. 为了您的方便, we provide Weblinks to other online content or sites that may contain information that may be useful or interesting to you. 我们不支持, 也不负责, 的内容, 由第三方操作的网页内容的准确性或可访问性. You are solely responsible for your dealings with such third parties and should review the Terms and privacy 政策 of such third parties.


本条款中的任何内容均不意味着或暗示为保证. 您自行承担使用“网上服务”的风险. 我们不保证准确性, 完整性, 及时性, 通过网上服务提供的任何内容的正确性或可靠性. 在线 服务 是否在可用时提供给您,并按“现状”提供. We make no representation that use of our 在线 服务 will be uninterrupted or error-free, 或不含病毒或其他有害成分.

有些州不允许使用条款有 不保修 条款, 即使这些条款不作任何保证, 如果您的州不允许这种类型的限制, 这一段不适用于你.


您同意我们对因以下原因引起的或与之相关的任何损失不承担任何责任: these 在线 服务; any third-party site or program 访问ed through the 在线 服务; Any acts or omissions by us or any third party; and/or your 访问 or use of the 在线 服务. 本责任限制包括基于保证的任何索赔, 合同, 侵权行为, 严格责任, 或者其他法律理论.

如果您是新泽西州居民,则不适用此责任限制.  对于新泽西的居民来说, any released parties are not liable for any damages unless such damages are the result of our negligent or reckless acts or omissions; and any released parties are not, 无论如何, 间接责任, 偶然的, 特殊的, 后果性或惩罚性损害赔偿.

其他州也可能限制责任. 如果您的州不允许这种类型的限制, 上述一项或多项限制可能不适用于您.


你同意为, 赔偿, 并使任何被释放方免受第三方的任何索赔, 包括我们自己选择律师的合理律师费, 因您违反本条款或任何侵犯版权而引起或与之相关的, 盗用, 滥用, 重大过失, 故意, 或违反与您使用在线服务或内容有关的适用法律. 您不得转让或转让本协议项下的任何权利或义务. 在任何诉讼中,贵方应配合我方提出任何可行的抗辩.


你不能使用, 出口, 再出口, 进口, 出售, 转移, or proxy our 在线 服务 or Content unless such activity is permitted by these Terms and such activity is not prohibited by United States 法律, 您接收我们的在线服务所在司法管辖区的法律, 或任何其他适用的法律法规. 特别是, 但没有限制, 网上服务及/或内容不得输出, 再出口或以任何方式提供(a)到任何美国.S. 禁运国家或(b)美国境内的任何人.S. 美国财政部特别指定国民名单.S. 商务部拒绝人员名单或实体名单.

通过使用我们的网上服务, you represent and warrant that you and any ultimate beneficiary of our 在线 服务 are not located in any such country or on any such list. 您同时同意,您不会将我们的在线服务用于美国法律禁止的任何目的.S. 法律, 包括, 但不限于, 发展, 设计, 制造或生产核导弹或化学或生物武器.


You agree that Minnesota 法律 governs these Terms and any claim or dispute that you may have against us, and you agree to the jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts in Minnesota for any dispute involving the 公司 or its employees, 军官, 董事, 代理商和供应商.

除非你是新泽西的居民, 你必须在提出索赔后一年内提出任何诉因, 否则你将被禁止提起任何诉讼. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods do not apply to these Terms.


我们可以取消, 在任何时候暂停或阻止您使用网上服务及/或注册, 无理由及/或无须通知. You agree that we will not be liable to you or any other party for any termination of your 访问 to the 在线 服务 in accordance with these Terms.


If any 条款 of these Terms is held to be unenforceable or invalid by an arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining portions of the Terms will be determined without the unenforceable or invalid 条款. 所有其他条款仍然完全有效.


这些术语, 以及任何补充条款, 政策, 在网上服务发布的规则和指导方针, constitute the entire agreement between you and us in connection with the 在线 服务 and supersede all previous written or oral agreements. 你承认我们有寻求的权利, 以你为代价, 制止或防止违反你的义务的禁令. No waiver by us will have effect unless such waiver is set forth in writing and signed by us; nor will any such waiver of any breach or default constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or default.


The following additional terms apply to your 访问 to or use of any mobile application in connection with the 在线 服务 (together with all information and software associated therewith, “应用程序”或“应用程序”)通过任何移动设备(如平板电脑), 移动电话, 等.),并为上文所定义的“附加条款”.

授予您的权利. 我们给你有限的, 非排他的, 可撤销的, 不可转让的下载许可, 安装和使用应用程序仅供您个人使用, 非商业性 use on a mobile or tablet device owned or 控制的 you and only in accordance with the Terms. 除紧接前一句所授予的有限权利外, 你没有其他权利. 这只是一个许可,而不是销售,应用程序给你.

附加限制和通知. 你同意你不会搬走, 禁用, 规避或以其他方式创建或实施任何复制保护的任何解决方案, 权限管理, 或保护应用程序的安全功能. You acknowledge that we may issue an upgraded version of the Applications and may automatically upgrade the Application that you are using. You consent to such automatic upgrading and agree that these Terms shall govern all such upgrades. 我们的应用程序或在线服务可能包括第三方代码和其他软件, 哪一个受适用的开放源代码或第三方最终用户许可协议的约束, 如果有任何, 授权使用这种代码.

第三方方面. 您同意遵守所有适用条款, conditions and agreements between you and any third party that provides 产品 or 服务 that facilitate or enable your use of any Application, and you acknowledge and agree that your use of any Application may result in charges to you by those third parties in connection with the 产品 and 服务 they provide to you (such as data plan charges), 您将全权负责任何此类费用.

终止您的权利. 您在本协议项下的权利被终止时, 出于某种原因, you will immediately uninstall or delete the Applications and cease any further use of such Applications.

国际使用/出口管制特别通告. Any technology or software underlying the Applications or 在线 服务 that is available in connection with the 条款 of the 在线 服务 and the transmission of applicable data (collectively, “软件”), 如果有任何, 受美国出口管制. No Software may be downloaded from the Applications or 在线 服务 or otherwise 出口ed or 再出口ed in violation of U.S. 出口的法律. 下载或使用本软件的风险由您自行承担. 认识到互联网的全球性, you agree to comply with all local rules and 法律s regarding your use of the Applications and/or 在线 服务, 包括在线行为和可接受的内容.

苹果iOS应用. 如果您使用的在线服务包含您下载的应用程序, 访问和/或使用在苹果iOS操作系统上运行的应用程序(“iOS应用程序”), 您承认并同意:

  • The iOS App may only be 访问ed and used on a device owned or 控制的 you and using 苹果’s iOS operating system;
  • 这些条款是你和我们之间的协议,而不是苹果之间的协议;
  • 苹果 has no obligation at all to provide any support or maintenance 服务 in relation to the iOS App, 如果你有任何关于iOS应用程序的维护或支持问题, 请联系公司, 不是苹果;
  • 除非本条款另有明确规定, any claims relating to the possession or use of the iOS App are between you and us (and not between you, 或者其他任何人, 和苹果);
  • In the event of any claim by a third party that your possession or use (in accordance with these Terms) of the iOS App infringes any intellectual property rights, 苹果 will not be responsible or liable to you in relation to that claim; and
  • 尽管本条款是您与本公司(而非苹果)订立的。, 苹果, 作为本条款下的第三方受益人, 将有权对你强制执行这些条款.
  • 此外,您声明并保证:
    • 你不是, 也不会是, located in any country that is the subject of a United States Government embargo or that has been 设计ated by the United States Government as a “terrorist supporting” country;
    • 你不是 listed on any United States Government list of prohibited or restricted parties; and
    • 如果iOS应用程序不符合适用于它的任何保证, 你可以通知苹果公司, 然后将退还iOS应用程序的购买价格(如果有的话)给你. 在此前提下, 在法律允许的最大范围内, 苹果不提供或参与任何保修, condition or other term in relation to the iOS App 也不会是 liable to you for any claims, 损失, costs or expenses of whatever nature in relation to the iOS App or as a result of you 或者其他任何人 using the iOS App or relying on any of its content.

谷歌应用程序. 如果您使用的在线服务包含您下载的应用程序, 访问, and/or use from the Google Play Store (“Google-Sourced Software”): (i) you acknowledge that these Terms are between you and us only, 而不是谷歌, 公司. (“Google”); (ii) your use of Google-Sourced Software must comply with Google’s then-current Google Play Store Terms of Service; (iii) Google is only a provider of the Google Play Store where you obtained the Google-Sourced Software; (iv) we, 而不是谷歌, are solely responsible for our Google-Sourced Software; (v) Google has no obligation or liability to you with respect to Google-Sourced Software or the Terms; and (vi) you acknowledge and agree that Google is a third-party beneficiary to the Terms as it relates to our Google-Sourced Software.


Your obligations under the following sections survive termination of this Agreement: 协议及条款; 关于数字财产内容的重要说明; License to Use the 在线 服务 and Content Ownership; 使用网上服务的限制 版权侵犯- DMCA通知; 非应邀创意提交政策; 没有保修; 责任限制; 赔偿; 出口管制; 适用法律和诉讼时效; 终止; 可分割性; 杂项; and 流动装置及应用程序. 您不得转让或转让本协议项下的任何权利或义务. 公司可转让或转让其在本协议项下的权利和义务.


如果您对这些条款有任何疑问,请与我们联系 marketing@thedogdaysblog.com

有效日期: 2022年6月30日